Welcome to my website, it is constantly changing so it pays to check back often.  It is hoped to cover items of interest to both the beginner and the advanced movie maker.

You are welcome to make comments, suggestions or ask questions on the Contact page.

Ron H Bannister

"The Long Drive Home" 

This movie won the award for best Drama at the 2011 Auckland MovieMakers Annual Awards 

Special Effects.

Things are not what they seem.




 See how to create special effects and real  looking props. Go to Special Effects Page.



 Build your own Camera Dolly


Coming Soon



Building your own Edit Suite

Learn about Three Point Lighting. Click the Three Point Lighting link above.


DIY Prompter

This is my prompter. CLICK HERE  for article on how to build your own and how to use it.

 Some Film Industry Sayings

Where more than one constitutes a camera crew, or even a film unit, personality and the ability to mix and live with others plays a significant role in whether or not a person makes a successful career in the film industry.

Film making is essentially team work and nice people work best if they have nice people around them.   There is no place for the abrasive loner. 

There is an old saying in the industry which goes “Be nice to those you pass on the way up, you may meet them again on the way down.”


“It’s not the ups and downs that bother me, it’s the jerks!”


“Always give the public what they want whether they like it or not.”


When delivering voiceovers.
“Be sincere whether you mean it or not.”


Plot Finder

1. Think of someone. Give him/her a name.

2. What is his or her outstanding characteristic, virtue, vice, strength or weakness?

3. Now think of something he or she might want to acquire, achieve, avoid or alter - Something that could be very important to him or her.

4. What serious obstacle can you put in his/her way? Why can't he/she acquire, achieve, avoid or alter what he/she wants?

Name the obstacle - another person, his or her own nature, or environment or circumstances.

5. Whatever he/she wants it is terribly important to him/her.   Knowing the sort of person he/she is, state the action he/she would be most likely to take in an effort to overcome or get round the obstacle.

6. Assume that this person takes this action. Consider the worst possible results that could arise from it, so that now he/she is in real trouble.

7. Again assume that he/she will react.  Can you think of anything he or she could do, specifically related to the outstanding characteristic named in (2) that would solve the problem.


 Movie Club Links.

Auckland MovieMakers Meets every fourth  Wednesday of the month, 7:30 pm. 990 Great North Road, Western Springs, Auckland. NZ.

Check the MovieMakers website for details and contacts.

 Auckland MovieMakers Website: www.videomakers.org.nz/auck.htm

Find a club in your area. All NZ clubs: www.videomakers.org.nz .

 If you wish to have your club website listed please send details and a link to your website.


©2006-2009 Ron H Bannister Auckland. All photos copyright and must not be reproduced without permission.





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